Have you ever seen the world from the globe? Do you see the color of blue is more dominant than the rest of the colours on the globe? The blue colour is the ocean. Our earth is dominated by waters rather than land. Actually 2/3 of our planet is water

Our earth has 326 million gallons of water. If calculated as a percentage, our water source comes from:

Soil Moisture16,300,000,000,000,0000,005%
Streams, wetlands and swamps3.260,000,000,000,0000,001%

Source: https://earthhow.com/how-much-water-is-on-earth/


Water is one of the most important natural resources we have. But now we are facing many challenges in keeping our water clean. This is because of the new era globalization where deforesting activities are increasing to make a new city or to seeking raw materials from trees.

Water is one of the basic needs of all living things. But, because of the globalization and human activities, a lot of the oceans on our planet are polluted.


Water Pollution

So, what is water pollution? Water pollution is occurring when harmful substances consisting of chemicals or microorganisms pollute rivers, oceans, and other water resources that have an impact on reducing water quality and making it poisonous to humans or other living beings.




One of the main causes of water pollution is garbage. Garbage is a material that has been used by humans and which has no use for us anymore. Humans have a habit of littering. Littering is causing our water, rivers and oceans to be polluted. Besides polluting our oceans, throwing garbage in the water will also lead to diseases to both humans and wildlife.

Most of the garbage is plastic material. Plastic materials are used for households, clothing, auto parts, and others. However, plastic cannot biodegrade, and it has an effect on the survival of marine life for a very long time


Industrial waste is one of the key factors of water pollution. This is because the factory does not process/filtrate the waste before it is being discharged into the river or ocean.

In fact, the rivers are one of the sources where we can get clean water. If this activity continues, we will be having a clean water crisis. To prevent this, it is imperative that the company or factories are responsible for and have wastewater treatment before disposal.


The use of these explosives can not only damage the marine ecosystem and make fish die but will also pollute the water. With the death of fish in an ecosystem in the sea or river, the water will become increasingly polluted because no one will continue the journey of the sea food chain. Although it is strictly forbidden to do so, there are still many explosives used at this time around the world.


Most oil refineries are in the ocean. This oil is taken and supplied at a time when the tankers and brought to the mainland. However, if the tanker experiences a leak, the collected oil will spill into the ocean and will pollute the ocean and fish and marine animals will die.



Water pollution is bad for living. But there are simple things we can do to prevent water pollution:

  1. Use less plastic

We all know that the Marjory of goods are made from plastic and this is hard to change because plastic is a cheap material. The things we can do as an individual is to take a stand. Choose to bring your own shopping bag of fabric when you are doing your grocery. Choose organic material over plastic when available etc.

  1. Do not litter

Some people have a bad habit of littering. As we can see on a daily basis, there are so many waste products in the oceans, rivers and even in the ground. We have to adjust our way of thinking and remind our friends and family to not litter, use organic material. This little habit will help if we all chip in and will help us to prevent water pollution.

  1. Use environmentally detergent

Detergents contain oxygen-reducing substances (“i.e.” a chemical compound that readily transfers oxygen atoms) that may cause severe damage to the fishes and marine animals. If possible, try to use environmentally detergent.

  1. Plant Flora at Lakes or Rivers

Not only do they look beautiful when they grow, but these natural items help protect the nearby water supply from pollutants. Flora also limits the Carbon Dioxide in the water, which balances out its pH level.

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